About Us
About Bury Governance Training
The Bury Governor Association takes responsibility for the provision of governor training and development for those Bury schools that buy into the BGA Training collaborative package. The BGA appoint an executive group who oversee, amongst other things, the development of the training programme and ensure that the funds that school and trust governing bodies provide through the council’s Traded Service scheme are used effectively.
The vice chair of the BGA executive group takes the lead on coordinating training opportunities. That is currently Mark Granby, a former National Leader of Governance.
The overarching aim for BGA is to improve the life chances of the children and young people of Bury by enabling them to achieve their full potential. This will be achieved by developing the capacity and capability of school governance in Bury so that governors play a key strategic role in school improvement.
There is an increasing expectation from the government that school governors are fully equipped with the skills to carry out their statutory duties effectively and economically. It is the vision of the BGA that Bury will be a place where:-
- all schools benefit from outstanding governance;
- governors work together in partnership with each other and service providers to continually develop their capability and capacity;
- all governors grow in effectiveness through excellent training, induction, coaching and mentoring programmes;
- we aspire to draw all governors into collaborative working;
- investing in governor training and development is recognised as representing excellent value for money;
- the quality of governance is nationally recognised.
The BGA work together and in partnership with the Local Authority and other key stakeholders in the school-led system to enhance governor development in ways which increase the capacity of individual schools to achieve quality for their students. This is done more economically and effectively through governing bodies using their combined purchasing power and expertise.