by Mark Granby | Sep 7, 2019 | Bury Council, Bury Governance Development, Chair of Governor's Briefing, Local Authority
There was a healthy attendance level at the Autumn Term briefing for Chair’s in the Peel Room in the evening of Tuesday 3rd September 2019. Paul Cooke chaired the meeting with presentations from Interim AD Julien Kramer and Wendy Jackson and Damian Kay from the...
by Mark Granby | Jun 26, 2019 | Bury Governance Development, Notices
At the most recent BGD committee meeting, members agreed a new terms of reference for Bury Governance Development. The revised document can be accessed on the link below: BGD Terms of Reference version 11_0
by Mark Granby | Mar 13, 2019 | Bury Governance Development, Governor Training
The BGD Board agreed the Summer Term Governor Training Programme at their Board meeting yesterday (12th March 2019). You can see the programme by clicking on the file below: BURY GOVERNOR ASSOCIATION SUMMER TERM TRAINING The courses will soon be updated onto the...